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Tips for keeping nails healthy

  • Tips for keeping nails healthy
  1. Keep your nails clean and dry to prevent bacteria from collecting under the nail.
  2. Cut your fingernails and toenails straight across and rounded slightly in the center. This keeps your nails strong and helps avoid ingrown toenails.
  3. Wear proper-fitting shoes and alternate shoes on a regular basis. Tight shoes can cause ingrown toenails.
  4. Do not try to self-treat ingrown toenails, especially if they are infected. See a dermatologist.
  5. Use an anti fungal foot powder daily.
  6. Do not bite your fingernails. You can transfer infectious organisms between your fingers and mouth. Also, nail biting can damage the skin around your fingers, allowing infections to enter.
  7. Report any nail problems to your dermatologist. Nail changes such as redness, swelling, and pain could signal an infection or other serious problems.

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