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I'd tied up my heart, 
 conquered my emotions. 
 About love and life, 
 I had strong notions. 
 Love is a fantasy, 
 to myself I'd say; 
 It will never ever 
 come your way. 
 Till someone special 
 in a very special way. 
 Entered my dreams 
 and carried me away. 
 He splashed colours 
 and lit up my world. 
 He is the one 
 with a heart of gold.

I still cant forget, 
 the first time I saw you, 
 The dress you were wearing, 
 And your sandals too 

Just looking at you 
having nothing else to do,
then you moved away from there
 taking everuthing with you. 

 that one moment I saw 
 and cant forget you. 
 is this love? 
 please tell me do.

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